Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New phone, or not...probably not yet

I have waited patiently for the Iphone to come out on Verizon, and it finally did. Here is the  iphone 4, which was amazingly disappointing as it doesn't multitask!!!  I have lived for years with the free phones, or almost free phones and this last phone I've had 2 1/2 years, it is a basic cell phone which can take pictures.  But I want to put a phone a speaker phone and look something up... something I commonly do while on a phone and on the computer. 

It isn't really a 4G, they told me it was just the '4th' iphone so they gave it that number!!

Now Verizon is finally coming out with real 4G this week, called the Thunderbolt and it sounds like it has everything I want, but they want $250 for it!!!!  So it looks like I'll be waiting until they come out with newer phones and for this price to drop.  The geek sights say HTC/Verizon will be coming out with a faster 2 core processor phone (Thunderbolt is still one processor)  in the near future (no date yet) so I'm hoping this lowers the price of the Thunderbolt.  I don't need the speed of a 2 core processing phone, and some reviews say the Thunderbolt will still be better, but either way, I have set a limit on what I will spend on a phone, it it isn't $250. 

So cross your fingers that 'the little red one' hangs in there.  The little buttons are starting to fail, and it has a really week signal.  It has had the battery replaced once, the front broke off once and was replaced and since you can no longer get it on Verizon, I'm hoping it lasts until the 'phone of my dreams' and budget comes out.

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