Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jaker Tales

I haven't told a "Jaker Tale" in a while, so I thought I'd share one today. 
The first story is one that I didn't find amusing, and I'm sure neither did my neighbor.  Yesterday after our walk through the woods, we girls stood around 'gabbing' while the dogs played.  And if you ever want to see some dogs play hard, you need to see Jake play with his friend Dazy, a large, fun labradoodle.  She chases him, he chases her, she bites his neck, he bites her back.  And if Dazy doesn't start it, Jake starts with her, they are both energetic, and tumble, roll, bite, run and just have a great time wrestling around.  While they played, we gabbed some more, and missed when Jake took off down the street.  The problem was he ran into a neighbors driveway, (one that we don't know and who has never met Jake), and began barking and jumping in front of this poor woman who was just going out for a run!  He aged her twenty years I am sure.  I apologized but it really can't help when someone is so frightened.  So today I went back with a bag of Park Ave. cookies and an apology note.  Her two little boys were very happy I came to apologize, and she and her husband were as sweet as could be.  Jake now owns a shock collar.

Story, number two: Because Jake jumped over the top of the fence and made a hole in the netting last time I was here, I can't leave the doggie door open for him to go in and out when I leave him.  So I have to keep him locked in the garage with the doggie door closed.  Today I had a doctor appt. and errands, so the big man was alone about 4 hours, and you can imagine my surprise when I came home and found him out in the driveway waiting for me!!  I can only guess the doggie door wasn't 'locked' tight, and he somehow managed to lift it up, and when it fell back down it locked (it was locked when I checked on arriving home).  Either that or he figured out how to open and and close the door to get out.  But I'm betting on the doggie door. 

Tomorrow he goes to the kennel when I go out. 


1 comment:

  1. Hahah, he's just so happy to be with people/go meet new people that he can't help himself. ;)

    -- lindsay
