Thursday, March 31, 2011

21st Century Mom

Whooo Hooo!  I finally upgraded my phone, and here it is!!!  It is fun and exciting to have such amazing technology at my fingertips.  The only complaints I have are 1: it is smarter than me and I have so much to learn on it.  2: the battery is supposed to not hold a charge long, but my experience yesterday was it lasted from the time I had it until I went to bed, and I was playing around on it quite a bit. 
I charged it over night and today will be the test as I'll have it to use and see how long the battery lasts.
I did get a portable charger to use when we travel, so hopefully this will be the solution if that becomes a problem.
The poor girl who sold me the phone was so patient with me.  I really researched long and hard about this, so I knew what I wanted.  She initially didn't realize you could 'text' and 'phone' at the same time.  She understood they had integrated these two systems, but I was the first one who wanted to see it work.   At first she told me that it didn't work that they had this technology integrated, but the phones wouldn't do it, but she turned one on, and tried it, and it worked.  She thanked me for bringing this up, because she didn't realize the Thunderbolt was the phone that used this integration.  Then when we were all set up and I paid and we were trying to get me started, she couldn't stand how slow the 'typing' was for me, and at one point said, 'please, let me do it for you this time.'  Ha, ha, that will be my biggest issue, is typing on this little keyboard.


  1. Welcome to the world of the touch screen, and all the related email and text "accidents" that follow. Hahahah, I love the Droid phones that D upgraded us to, but sometimes I get so frustrated with the touch screen/auto correct feature that I could scream. ;) hahahha, it's still worth it though! I love how fast this phone is, and the phone/internet integration on your sounds amazing! Have fun playing! :)

    - linds

    -- linds

  2. Thanks Linds. It is this keyboard that is so hard.

  3. congrats! i love new technology.
