Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jaker Tale

There is always a story with Jake, and today was a funny one.  When I am in Montana City, he gets to walk on almost a daily basis with Dazy, the labradoodle, and two chocolate labs,  females also, Ahni and Kazi (not sure of the spelling).  Dazy was in daycare today while her mom went to Portland for a day, so it was just Jake, and the two girls.  Since they are sisters and have always been together, they usually just play together, although they will 'greet' Dazy and Jake, but that is about the extent of it.  Jake was his usual self, he ran and said 'hi' to them, and then they all went off running in different directions.  When we got finished with the walk, the three dogs were running around A and K's yard, and Ahni loves to play ball.  Well this dog can do the darndest thing, she can throw the ball up a few inches, and then bat it with her foot and chase it by herself.  Of course she resorts to this after all the humans have ignored her.  And when she gets tired of that, she throws it in the air and catches it, repeatedly!! 

Jake kept trying to get one of them to play, and figured a while back that Kazi isn't going to play, and when she does, she bites the other dogs feet so he doesn't play with her.  But he worked on Ahni today, and he even got another ball and ran past her dropping it in front of her making her try and take it from him.  But noooo, she was quite content batting her own ball, thank you very much.  So Jake figures out there is only one way to this girls heart, and he STEALS her ball....

And then the fun began.  This dog can run almost as fast as him when it comes to her ball, and boy did she chase him after that.  They ran, and ran, and ran...and he finally tired out and dropped the ball.  She picked it right up and started running but he was pooped.  He looked at me, and since I didn't move, he started walking home again. 

And they say dogs can't talk.  Home we went.

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