Sunday, December 13, 2009

Warning...parental suppervision suggested.

I thought this was yucky and was going to send it in an e-mail, but Dad thought blogging it was okay.  So here goes, my foot one and 1/2 weeks after surgery.


  1. Wow, hopefully Pete doesn't look at this! Hope the healing is going well. Have a good holiday! (And's Tom).

  2. Dear Jebus! Your foot looks like a Tim Burton movie:) I kid...glad it's on the route of recovery!

  3. Wooooo, look at that Frankenstein foot! Just kidding. It doesn't look bad at all. I was expecting a foot the size of Jake's head (now that is BIG). I'll raise a glass to your recovery! Hang in there, you'll be running circles around Jake in no time. :)

  4. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Ouch! Heal up (or should I say 'heel up' - boo, I know, I know) quickly! :)

    -- linds
