Thursday, December 03, 2009

The secret side of dogs.

You always hear about dogs that can 'sniff' out illness or a human in distress, and I am not talking about dogs trained to do such acts. I saw some of it in Teddy Bear, who always knew to stay close to whom ever was sick in the house, and when Genevieve died, Guinness showed a human like comfort when I was crying, and now I received my experience with big Jake.

Jorge and I both were nervous about the wild behaviour he can display, and swinging that baseball bat tail around, so we had everything 'all planned out' on our safety steps we would take with him when we returned from the surgery center. We didn't need to worry. I got out of the car with my crutches and that jumping, twisting, tail swinging monster, completely calmed down, sniffed my foot and has since, walked three or four steps very slowly behind me. He occasionally sniffs my foot, then will lay down where ever I am, not standing or laying in the way, off to the side. He is not going nuts with his tail, he stays calmly near me.

While I sit on the couch, of which I have to do much in the next few days, he seems to just want to lay on the floor besides me. He has slowly gathered his three favorite 'babies', and every once in a while when I am not noticing, he drops one at my side. He often sits in his 'regal pose' and stares at me, or comes next to me and lays his head on my lap (right now it lays on the computer).

I'm sure he'll get over all this and the crutches in the next few days, but for now, he knows what is expected of him, and is doing it.

I'll try and remember this the next time he totally misbehaves, as he did when his 'three amigos' were here and he became an insane, mindless nit.

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