Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jaker Tails

Today we took the Big Man on errands with us.  First to Hobby Lobby, where I went in to check out wedding votive holders, and Dad took Jake for a walk, and then they 'hung out' in front of Hobby Lobby greeting everyone.  Obviously the people bored him (I think it is because he gets yelled at every time he tries to sniff their crotch), he laid down and just ignored the humans.  The humans saw this as him being a good dog.  Then he got to hang out in the car with me at Lowes (I cannot even think of trying to walk him with me on crutches..), and he was very nervous and looking for Dad, crying with his big head out the window.  Of course everyone who walked by either panicked and walked as fast as they could, or they said, "Oh, look at this cute dog," and petted him. The only person he paid any attention to was a lady who asked me his name and when she called him by name, he was all 'ears.'
Off to Pet Smart after that.  He goes in full bore Hound Dog.  Nose to the ground, sniffing side to side, tracking the dozens of dogs that walk in their daily, checking out all the scents.  The people are all crazy about him, but he could care less, their are way too many animal scents for this hound dog to notice a few humans.  Then some wierd looking hot dog with long hair ATTACKED HIM!!!!!  LOL, Jake just scooted away from that little mosquito and sniffed else where.  I think the owner panicked because he understood if Jake had decided to bite that dog back, the hot dog would have been a snack for the Big Man.  From that time on the owner was carrying the hot dog. Well we walk around the store and pick up one toy (a giant tennis ball that squeaks, he loves the squeakers), and head to the check out.  Jake still nose to the ground, working like a good hound.  As soon as we finish paying, he sits up straight and looks at the cashier!!  Ha, ha, he knows that in Pet Smart when you buy something, you get a treat.  The nice cashier gave him an extra large one. 
Then we went to Safeway.  Dad couldn't get Jake in his kennel, so he left him loose in the car, and put the kennel to 'block' his entry to the front of the car.  What a joke, he not only moved that very big kennel, he took his treats out of their location, but didn't eat one.  He just sat in the front seat, drooling all over the window waiting for us.  Letting us know he can do anything he wants and we cant do a thing about it.

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