Friday, December 11, 2009

Live entertainment, provided by Jake...

Well, first I must tell everyone that my sister Alice's comment in an e-mail after seeing our latest blog said, "That is one big dog,"  says alot.  He is not only big physically, but his presence is enveloping.   The Gentle Giant has several soft stuffed toys that he absolutely loves, he carries them from room to room, and chews them, making music with their squeakers.  His favorite, a giraffe, that stinks to high heaven because it cannot be washed (I don't know what would happen if his 'baby' lost its music) but he loves it carries it all over, and to show you affection, loves to drop it in your lap, especially when it is all wet.  Yuck!!  Today while I went to go down the stairs, I started to slip, so I picked my recovering foot up in the air and let myself gently slide down until I was resting completely on the stairs.  Jake, seeing something was wrong, came over to check it out, then went and got his 'baby' and dropped the wet drool covered giraffe, right on my face!! 
I did make it safely downstairs, and started to work on my grand neices quilt.  Trying to keep my foot rested, I would sit periodically with my foot up, and watch TV.  The Dog Whisperer was on, so Jake and I settled in to enjoy an episode...  Oh how funny that was.  The TV downstairs sits at his height, and he is very tuned in to dogs barking, even on TV.  This show was about a pit bull that sorta went nuts, and it would start barking, growling, biting, just being a bad dog... But not to the Big Man (Jake), he goes over to the TV, and starts sniffing the dog, head to tail, and is excited, it looked like he was trying to get the dog to calm down!!  It wasn't until the portion of the show where Cesar gets the crazy Pit Bull to really calm down, that Jake then walked back to me and laid down, looking as if he wanted to say, "Ok, now we can all rest."  I love this dog, I will always be so thankful he found me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, yummy, a wet, stinky giraffe on your face! What a great way to show love. :)
