Monday, November 29, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

The next day we had to drive to Great Falls to meet our good friend and pick up a 1/4 side of beef, but the weather had become a little less pleasant.  Inspite of the bad weather, we still always enjoy the scenery between Helena and Great Falls.  We had to fit all that beef in the freezer in our house since our 'extra' freezer stays in our home in Piedmont, and boy was it packed.  But after some fun shoveling and and more great sledding, we had a super steak dinner, which Jorge was nice enough to grill outside, because I would have taken the wimps way out and cooked inside on the cooktop! 

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so hardcore cooking outside in the snow! It looks like Jake was helping ;) I'm sure the dinner was fantastic, and the drive looked gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the pics!

    -- linds
