Monday, November 15, 2010

Jaker Tales

As you may know, Jake had a big problem with 'separation anxiety' when we first adopted him.  It has appeared to be getting better, and slowly he seems have gotten over being away from us.  We even took his kennel out of the garage, giving him free run of the garage, but he does have his kennel outside his doggie door, so when he goes out, there is some containment.  The reason for this is that one of his issues was digging holes so deep, he looked like he was trying to get out by going underground.  Well, even that has stopped.  We never bothered to fill the last hole, a tiny little hole in his outdoor pen, just because there didn't seem to be a need.  The other day I came home, and always, I check to make sure there is no outside damage (there hasn't been in weeks), and found this: he put all his toys he had with him, outside in the hole!   Ha, ha, we think he was trying to 'hide' the reminder.  Either that or he was tiding up.

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