Thursday, November 25, 2010


For those of you from southern climates, snowdrifts form on the leeward side of objects when snow fall is accompanied by high winds. Snowdrifts can be humongous, reaching several feet in height. The recent snow fall in Montana came with high winds and these are some of the patterns we found when we arrived here.

Even though the snow on the ground is not even because of the drifts, there is enough snow that sledding was a must, and it was fun!

Self portrait of Jake and I

Linda gets our sleds ready

I feel the need for speed

Here comes Mama

Oops, getting ready to do a 180 coming down at full speed

Wipe out!

Full 180 coming down fast

Trying to stop...

Wiped out!


  1. Fun fun! Jaker looks like he had a good time as well!

  2. Looks like a lot of fun!! Hope you both had a great Thanksgiving!!

  3. Steve: yes, Jake had a blast, he would stand in front of us and run at the last second.
    Tom:Thank you, we did, it was quiet but we enjoyed the relaxation.
    We hope yours was wonderful as well!

  4. I wanna play! I think I need to invent a rain sled in order to participate in the fun from Oregon:)

  5. You can 'ice block', remember that at Carroll? They buy those giant blocks of ice, and slide down the hill sitting on one of those.

  6. Yay! This looks like so much fun! I wish we could have participated ;) And to think...I got excited when there was maybe 3/4" of snow here! I should post my picture of our "snow" just for comparison. hahahaha

    much love,

    -- linds
