Thursday, November 25, 2010


No matter how many times we have traveled between Wyoming, and most recently South Dakota, and Montana, it is never boring. I mean, there are lulls in the travel experience, particularly during the summer months in eatern Wyoming. But none of it was boring this time as we traveled to Montana for a Thanksgiving break. We left Tuesday mid-afternoon, ate dinner with Chicky and Steve and spent the night in Sheridan Wyoming, then completed our journey on Wednesday. Here is somewaht of a travel log:

It was 13 degrees when we left South Dakota. About an hour into our trip and shortly after crossing the SD state line, the wind picked up, the side mirrors fogged up, and the temperature shot up to 38 within a stretch of one mile

This is my favorite-notice my car sillhouted against the brightness of the setting sun

The sun has set, but the cloud pattern still painted the sky beautifully

Wednesday morning it was -10 in Sheridan Wyoming. After we passed Billings, where the temperature had risen to a tropical 1 above, the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. Things got a little hairy between Big Timber and Livingston where cross winds blew snow over the road, first from one side, then the other.

We won't comment on the risks of taking pictures while driving in this kind of weather. Isn't that called "distracted driving" now. We just could not help ourselves, always wanting to share these unique experiences with you JIR

1 comment:

  1. I think I should put a disclaimer on this: "Do not try this at home."
    I know, I know, I shouldn't take pictures and drive, but as you can tell I don't try and focus, I just hold the camera in one hand while that hand and my other hand are on the wheel and shoot, some are good, some are not...but you get the idea of the most magnificent scenery we see on this drive.
