Monday, October 08, 2018


 Sunday is the big market day in Amboise. One can purchase anything from the best fresh goat cheese in the area to crusty French bread, to fresh vegies, jeans, electronics, and everything else you can think of. It started out as a rainy gloomy day, but it transformed into a beautiful Fall day.
"Troglodyte houses". Originally, poor people lived in these because they didn't require an expensive roof and they were naturally insulated.
 Chateau Royal D'Amboise, the favored royal residence in the late 15th century. To one side of this altar is a crypt, apparently containing the remains of Leonardo Da Vinci, who died in Amboise in 1519,
 The town of Amboise viewed from the Chateau
 The Loire River and the Chateau in the background
 The Chateau Gradens, perfectly maintained and manicured.

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