Wednesday, February 17, 2016


9/7/15 I planned this entire trip, including making reservations, planning our routes, and sometimes our itineraries. Getting around Paris by using the suburban train, metro, and walking was a piece of cake thanks to my studying and preparation, and to my beautiful bride going along with it.

 A cup of Parisian latte and a croissant are a must before starting the first full day in this great city
 The majestic Seine
 Architectural paradise
 Checking the travel guide was still a must several times a day
 The famous bookstore from the 1920's is still open for business. Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and George Bernard Shaw were a few of many well know people who frequented the store

 Musee du Louvre

 La Joconde (French), La Gioconda (Italian), Mona Lisa (a contraction of the Italian for "my lady Lisa"). Da Vinci's famous portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a wealthy Florentine merchant

 I caught her laughing after I mentioned the guy depicted in the statue behind her had a "small one"
 La Tour Eiffel

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