Monday, May 13, 2013

VISITING THE RAMIREZ OREGON CLAN (i.e. abuelos drool over Xavier)

 Xavier feels better after his bath.

 Abuela took Xavier for a walk around the neighborhood. The weather was absolutely perfect during our visit.

 This one should be framed for posterity. What a shot!

 The moms pose with Xavier.

 Cool dudes sometimes can't help themselves. Danny told us Xavier has turned into a "babe magnet", attracting women of all kinds with his cuteness (Xavier's that is). During our Costco visit I was able to verify this fact.

 Mother's Day was a very special day.

 Where are the chics Xavi?

Priceless!!! JIR


  1. Love love love the pics! :-) The Albion onesie (sp?) looks great, too!

  2. Thanks so much for visiting. We had a blast. I love that last picture especially. :)
