Friday, May 03, 2013

Temple Religion

A Jewish professor I had at Carroll College told me once, "If you Catholics practiced what you preached, I'd would have converted a long time ago."  That being said, 16 years later, nothing has changed, or as I like to say, 'la misma mierda, differente dia.' 

There are times I meet, hear of or read of, a person who can 'hit the nail on the head' and say what most religions are in fact preaching.  Richard Rohr, OFM,  is one of those people. I have read many of his books, listened to his audio lectures and had the wonderful experience of spending a week end in NM at one of his retreats. He has an amazing understanding of what church and religion should be, and an inspiring way of expressing that understanding.

I no longer attend church because I can no longer abide by the hypocrasy it exhibits but I still need my spritual side filled,  with reading being one of the many ways I fulfill that spirituality.  Included in that reading is RR's daily meditations and today's article he called:  Temple Religion. It reminded me of Professor Ferst's comment and I couldn't help but think, if this is what we practiced, I'd go to church again.

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