Thursday, May 02, 2013

On Monday afternoons I am blessed with the honor of picking up Miss Chloe from after care in her elementary school and driving her to ballet, where I get to wait with her until class begins. Chloe is one of those children who doesn't realize she is wiser than her years, but she is.  Through these Monday's of which I refer to as "Monday's with Chloe" I also have learned the 'musings of Chloe.'  I will list a few of the ideas and enlightenments I have learned from Chloe:
Never leave without saying goodbye.
Always do the work Mom asks you to do, even if you don't want to.
Do your homework, then have fun playing.
57 is not so old, if you are not an 'old person.'
It is okay to miss your dog. 
Chocolate is always okay, and chocolate is the best thing.
If it is something you don't think you will like, don't taste it, otherwise you might waste it.
You can eat ice cream, even if it is snowing outside.
If you get a hamburger, get the fries too.

Did I tell you this is an exceptional child? I will always know to enjoy life more because of this beautiful little girl (now 7 years old) who has a broken arm from hanging upside down on the swingset. And no, she doesn't regret it.

Listen to a 7 year old...enjoy life and follow, or manipulate, the rules with your best flair.

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