Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer Gardens

OK, so I cannot explain it, but we have never tried to do much serious vegetable and herb gardening before.  This year, with Dad's hard work, and some help from Steve and Christina, we finally planted a garden and have thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, from tiny plants (no we didn't try seeds), to full grown plants, and finally some vegetables and herbs.  Here is a picture of some of the fruits of our labors ready to be eaten.  Our first zucchini squash, and many of our tiny cherry tomatoes and basil ready to be made into a Caprese Salad. 
The Caprese Salad, yum!

And finally, the Caprese Salad with the grilled zucchini squash, along with a hamburger from the last of the delicious organic beef that Danny and Lindsay gave us last Christmas.  We had saved this final pack to 'grill' the burgers, and today we did.  It was all so delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh!!! You guys got so many great veggies out of your garden! I'm a little jealous...we've gotten tons of squash, but not much else. That Caprese salad looks yummy ;)
