Sunday, September 05, 2010


It has been 5 1/2 years since we left Montana on a journey. A journey based on my quest to fulfill professional goals I had been unable to accomplish for some time. Looking back, it was a much more soul wrenching day than I could ever imagine it would be. I will never forget sitting in the car ready to go down our steep driveway, the majesty of the Elkhorns dominating our visual fileds. We said a prayer that this journey would turn out well.   
Within 6 months of that cloudy dreary day in early March, we knew we wanted to get back to Montana, or at least get close enough to enjoy our home here. Geographically, we are now a little further from our Montana home than when we began our return trip, but our souls are not any more distant, in fact they are closer.
We have been tempted many times to give it up, put the house on the market. It's a lot of work, an expense, to keep the house. But it only takes a day, at the most two, to feel our souls reconnect, to know we belong. Is it the beautiful view of the Elkhorns or the artistically painted scented roses blooming in our garden every summer? Maybe it's that and many other things that cannot be described. It could be the feeling of total immersion of our bodies and souls into nature, and into what we as humans are all about. It is the place we belong, the place we really call home.
We'll keep visiting visiting often, and be back here soon. JIR


  1. Glad to hear that you both were able to get back home to Montana! I always think of the MT house as something of a spiritual refuge - it's so peaceful and beautiful (both the view and the architecture).

    Hahhaha.. it looks like Jake was enjoying himself as well ;)


    -- linds

  2. I guess we all like it here Linds, especially Jake! :)

  3. Cant wait to get back...

