Saturday, April 11, 2009


Front door from inside with framed kitchen peninsula on the left

I am refilling the bird feeders I put out last week. Today, there were 4-5 birds (junkos?) when I showed up to refill and add a thistle seed sock.

This is the "hot" corner of the house where the hot tub will be located. Door and window from the Master bedroom on the right; garage access door, where the doggie door will go, on the left

Mom captured our view from the jetted tub in the Master bathroom, including me fiddling with the bird seed.

Framed kitchen peninsula with drawings on the floor as to the location of cabinets and cooktop.

Front door with a pile of dirty snow below.

Mama Linda came out to the backyard to inspect the roof shingles. Notice the snowdrifts are melting down.


  1. Okay, you need to know it has been in the 40's and 50's the last few days, so this has had to be ALOT of snow melting to still be there. Also, we were so exciting about planning the 'doggie' door, when we went to the animal shelter to donate food, (Dad's idea), we fell in love with every stray there and cannot wait until we are in a situation where we can pick our own dog. If "Ric", a cute black lab puppy, is still around, he's ours for sure. Oh, and June 16th is the potential time of 'appraisal'.

  2. The house looks fantastic! I love that you've decided on a doggie door even before you have a dog. :) If I didn't know any better, I would think our family loves animals... Wait a minute, of course we do! Perhaps a cat door for Quintus?? Hmm, maybe not, too many BIG cats out there that would see Quintus as a tasty snack. Better keep him inside & spoil him to pieces.

  3. We'll keep Quintus inside, he is way too bossy for those wild animals. But we do have three 'mutts' in mind when we plan our doggy door, heated garage and fence. We do hope ALL of you visit alot, including that fun loving Quintus to keep those dogs in line.
