Saturday, April 25, 2009


2 days since the pictures on the last blog and the siding is almost done. We can now see the heavy wood timber trim, which is a signature feature of this builder. Sheet rocking or "rocking" is now going full blast.

Front elevation is starting to look like the original drawings

Siding is done in this southwest corner (garage to the left, Master bedroom on the right), as well as in the back (south) and the northeast side.

Blown-in foam insulation detail between floor joists

Rocking the ceiling, both flat and cathedral

Front entrance and porch taking on its "personality"


Building progress is very evident now that the builder is not at the mercy of this crazy spring weather. Siding, insulation and sheet rocking are full speed ahead at about -60 days and counting. These pictures were taken on 4/20/09

R-19 insulation isolates the cathedral ceiling of the great room from the non-cathedral attics on both sides of the great room

Neatly packed and channeled wiring through the basement ceiling, something not typically done by most builders

Detail of wall insulation covered with plastic

Picking the color of siding from a tiny sample is one of the most challenging choices when building a home. This time we are very pleased with our choice, which looks like a perfect match with the trim, roof, and the setting of the house.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


We think spring is here; one can only hope. Once cabin fever has reached life-threatening levels, the only cure is a walk in the woods. We found Pactola Lake about 15 miles from Rapid City, tucked away among the Black Hills. The Centenial Trail borders the eastern side of the lake and we stumbled into after going for a walk down an old road leading to the lake. It was a wonderful 3 mile walk, a miniscule stretch of the 111 mile length of the trail. Sometimes a small dose is all it takes to kill that awful fever.

Old rusty sign, probably along what once was a horse trail

Strong Ponderosa roots split slate rock in order to survive

A walk in the woods as the treatment for cabin fever: effective. Walking in the woods with this gorgeous lady: priceless

Mama's beautiful shot of the boat docks

Cool couple!

My two cents...

I thought I'd share some of the pictures I took at the house. I have to laugh as I have almost the exact same ones as J, but I also took a few more I'll add.
The top picture is Jorge in front of the fireplace, followed by a view of the basement bedroom (there will be three up, and eventually this one downstairs).
Jorge in the sewing room, taking pictures of the wall that he and I will have to finish on our own...
Looking at the kitchen from one side of the living room (the garage is right past the kitchen)..
Then looking across the living room from the other side of the house. That is the two guest bedrooms and a bath on that side..
In the kitchen looking out the back, and then the mud and muck that is out there now from all the snow and two days of rain...
The house from the front.


The siding is next but the trim goes on first

Mama Linda going up the stairs

The furnace is in and so is the duct work

Heating/cooling ducts look quite impressive in the basement ceiling

Electrical wiring is almost complete, and so is the ductwork installation for the bathroom exhaust fans

This one is not technical at all; it's the love birds on Easter Sunday

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Front door from inside with framed kitchen peninsula on the left

I am refilling the bird feeders I put out last week. Today, there were 4-5 birds (junkos?) when I showed up to refill and add a thistle seed sock.

This is the "hot" corner of the house where the hot tub will be located. Door and window from the Master bedroom on the right; garage access door, where the doggie door will go, on the left

Mom captured our view from the jetted tub in the Master bathroom, including me fiddling with the bird seed.

Framed kitchen peninsula with drawings on the floor as to the location of cabinets and cooktop.

Front door with a pile of dirty snow below.

Mama Linda came out to the backyard to inspect the roof shingles. Notice the snowdrifts are melting down.


We have stairs to the basement now.

The house is now "dried in", which means the roof is mostly completed and windows and doors are in place. Progress is now evident inside as you will be able to see in the following shots. We have chosen the location of switches, electrical outlets, lights and TV hookups.
Yesterday we also received the good news that, baring any unexpected circumstances, we will be able to move in or around June 16th.

Basement bathroom with shower/tub combo

Equipment/laundry room showing sink and washer plumbing

Energy efficient water heater in place. Main water line into the house is on the bottom left with copper plumbing coming up from there. Furnace will be placed to the left of the main water line.

Master bathroom: jetted tub on the right and double sink set up to the left of it.

Entry way to Master bathroom and jetted tub

Upstairs guest bathroom with shower/tub combo

Great room: corner fireplace location (opposite kitchen) with recessed arched area where TV will be located.


It's not easy building a house and having to shovel "feet" of snow every couple of days in order to be able to work; everything gets delayed. But having a good builder makes a difference. These pictures were taken on April 5 after the 3rd blizzard that came through here during the last couple of weeks. Notice the huge snowdrifts in the back of the house (middle picture) and the wood posts supporting part of the overhang of our front porch (top). Mama Linda stands by the Master bedroom.