Monday, April 14, 2008

Quilts, quilts and more quilts

Now that I have a local quilts for heroes program started, we are starting to get donations of blocks, fabric and quilt tops. It takes some time to get all this put together and then quilted, binding put on, labels and pillowcases made, but we have our first batch finished. I am not really doing this with QOV anymore, it is just my own thing with the local ladies, and we do it in conjunction with the Wyoming Quilt Guild, where all our quilts go to the Sheridan VA for injured (physical or otherwise) OEF/OIF vets.

Since our newspapers have forgotten we are a nation at war and therefore we know very little about either war, (how the heck can you ignore that????), I will explain OEF/OIF - Operation Enduring Freedom is the name of the war in Afghanistan, and Operation Iraqi Freedom is the name of the war in Iraq. I write this because I recently wrote another letter to the editor of our local paper, and they called to make a few clarifications, one being they didn't know what OEF/OIF stood for!!!

No matter. I will be making these quilts as long as I need to, and here are a few. The green blocks Line Kerr donated to me and I put them together for this quilt, showing a closeup of the pattern I quilted on each block. The other two we made as a group in our Sheridan Quilts for Heroes group.

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