Wednesday, April 09, 2008

On a recent trip to Helena, Jorge and I experienced three seasons in a few days, we had snow, rain, cool sunny weather and just plain old cold. On one nice day we took a hike up Mt. Helena, and it was beautiful to say the least.
Upon our arrival we discovered someone had 'visited' our hot tub, to discover it was set too cold to use. They did shut the breaker off, and leave the top open, luckily no damage was done, but Jorge was determined to keep anyone who had further ideas out, and he 'locked' the top closed. He stands proudly showing off his work.

1 comment:

  1. Thats crazy! I can't believe someone tried to use the hot tub. However, can't wait to drag Lindsay up Mt. Helena again:) We are supposed to get up to 72 this Saturday!

