Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The last week end in March, I had the pleasure of being invited to a quilt retreat 'up the mountain' - a Sheridanism- or at the top of the closest Big Horn Mountain, at Bear Lodge Resort. It is a 'lodge' like you would expect a western lodge to be. And I don't mean it has been fixed to please wealthy people from out of state. The rooms are very simple, no extra's like telephones or blow dryers, but with enough beds to sleep five in most rooms. They have a restaurant and a very busy bar (I didn't think you could drink that early in the morning). Although we did sew most of the time, we also had a little fun on Saturday night. You know what they say about what happens at Vegas stays at Vegas? Same holds true for the Bear Lodge Resort.
Here are some views of the snow (they had 12 inches the day before we arrived, more while we were there, and plenty on the ground before that). The bottom is of me and my two bunk mates and friends here in Sheridan, Kandy and Pam.

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