We actually had a little money left after Christina's college education, so I thought I would take some of that, and make her a quilt with all the tee shirts she 'earned' in various activities. It seemed in the process of combining these tee shirts that represented her activities, I would learn the quality of her education at this prestigious college, and I thought I could enlighten all of you of this very talented young lady. What I learned through this quilt: She could spell and read Greek and must have had the smartest friends because they all did too. She will do well in business learning about 'bid days' and kept organized with times of all the 'rush' events. How impressed I am that had to keep going through activities that lasted all night, when others couldn't! And had such nice friends that said, "Ma'am." Such good boys. Her talents are assounding, both Golf and Crew were some of the many talents of my daughter! I should share all this with the people at the bank where she works, they are missing out on her best talents.
Awesome quilt mommyo. And you freehanded it no less! You should start selling them:)