Saturday, April 28, 2007

I drove to Billings to welcome home my 'adopted' Marine, LCpl. Tom Watson as he arrived from his second tour in Iraq. I have 'adopted' Tom through two tours and we have established a friendship. His family from Great Falls was unable to make the trip, so I figured that left me to be the embarrassing "Mom" and take what ever pictures I wanted. The top picture is of Tom and Sen. Max Baucus of MT. I did the Mom thing and went up to the Senator and as Tom watched on in horrer, said, "Senator Baucus, could you please turn around so I could take your picture with this young man."

This picture is of Tom, myself, and his three friends who drove in from Great Falls to pick him up. The young man in the black tee shirt told me he was the one to "take it in the gut" and be dd, when yes, I did ask them who was going to be the responsible driver.

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