Monday, April 25, 2016


"Festival de la Vendimia" Harvest Wine Festival in La Rioja. It was an absolutely fabulous and unique experience to be there. It coincides with the feast of San Mateo (Saint Mathew, September 21), so it is also known as the "Festival de San Mateo" It take place in the city of Logrono, which comes to a practical standstill as the celebration goes on day and night in the heart of the old city.

 We found our all-time favorite "Bodega" (wine maker) Marques de Riscal, in the small town of Elciego

 Marques de Riscal has grown to become a big operation since it began operations in the 1820's, exporting wine all over the world. A modern hotel, designed by the same architect who designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, looks somewhat out of place in this rural farming region.

 The tour of the "Bodega" was a wonderful experience.

 Original "Bodega" from the 1820's, where there are some bottles of wine that date back to that time

 Of course, at the end of the tour there was the wine tasting.

 The Ebro River as it works its way through Logrono

 Unbeknownst to us, a small part of La Rioja region, including our favorite Marques de Riscal, is located in the Basque region. This road sign in the Basque language, not far from Marques de Riscal, announces one is entering Basque Country. According to our Marques de Riscal tour guide, the separatist sentiments among the Basque have come up from time to time during her tours.

 The crowds in Logrono

 That's not a small paella pan in the background!

 The traditional "Gigantes" and "Caretudos"

 All ages are represented in the festival

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