Thursday, April 25, 2013

We are the proud owners of a Sony Cybershot DSC HX200V camera. Apparently Sony is discontinuing it as you can see from their sight, but we are sure happy that we got it at the current price. One of my long term cameras was a Sony that still works, but being an early digital, it just doesn't compete any more.  My Nikon Coolpix which has been repaired once, is broken again and I just didn't want to pay anymore to fix it. So with baby Xavi needing MORE pictures than he already gets, and our upcoming trip to Italy, we figured it was time to find a camera we could enjoy and to replace the Nikon.
To get the size we wanted with the functions we (mostly Linda, who wanted all the bells and whistles her old camera came with), and affordable, we settled on this camera. 
And it really has amazing functions.
So I played around last night and took a few pictures. I would have had to photoshop the bad hair (hey, it was windy all day and I had walked the dogs 4.5 miles), but for a quick picture it did a nice job. And one of the cute little functions is a 'food' shot, and this was a picture of our pulled pork over homemade cornbread.  Now I can bore all of you with dozens of food pictures.  JK
But maybe I'll blog more now. --Mama Linda

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