Thursday, April 11, 2013


There has been significant consternation from some of our southern and western friends regarding the status of our most recent snow storm and it's effect on our well-being. First, let me reassure everyone that we are well. Secondly, let it be known we enjoy snow, particularly when it is not accompanied by long periods of below-zero temperatures. This most recent minuscule storm was nothing other than welcomed  moisture for us, our flora and fauna. It refreshed our souls and showered us with renewed energy, and the reminder that spring is here. The following day after this photo was shot earlier this week, the crystallized moisture had melted and the temperature had climbed into the 50's.
A patient gave me an old T-shirt before we left Florida in 1993. The writing on the front of the shirt read: "If I'm good, say my prayers and go to church, when I die I will to go to Montana". I heard he had died not long after we left Florida. I'm sure he is among us, right here in our neighborhood. JIR

1 comment:

  1. I'm with your former patient...I LOVE Montana!

    SO...on my way back from Edmonton, AB this July, what town should I put in google maps to come to on my way back to Bend???
