Sunday, April 14, 2013


I have always enjoyed accomplishing home improvement projects. It seems, over the years, I have gotten better at it, saving us a bundle of hard earned cash. Of course, now You Tube, makes it even easier for the handyman. Fortunately, I have also not caused any major disasters, which can ruin the impetus of the neophyte handyman, not to mention wiping out any potential savings.
They say that when one installs a new kitchen sink, one should consider installing a new faucet at the same time. Well, in our case, I assumed the reverse also applies. After purchasing a beautiful high arch kitchen faucet, I decided it should be complemented by a new sink.
 Old sink and faucet, which don't look so bad, right? The handyman knows when the project is completed, it will look better
Plumbing can look intimidating, but after dealing with it a few times, it's a no-brainer

 Old sink is ready to come off

 Is he taking a nap down there?

 The "whole" ready to be filled with the new sink

 New sink upside down after installing the necessary drain hardware

 Clipping the new sink to the countertop

 WAALLAA!!! New sink and faucet, in place and plumbed. The handyman feels accomplished, and his wife is thrilled with another update to our humble abode  JIR

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I did the same thing about 2 months prior to leaving Salem. Grrrrr. How many scraped knuckles did you end up with?!!
