Sunday, March 03, 2013


You've seen The Crazies before. Today they were draped in thick dark clouds, a solar glow illuminating their  shadows, bouncing off the snow that covers them. Glorious.
Today was different. I was listening to Richard Rohr , the Franciscan priest who has inspired us and many catholics (purposely not capitalized) over the last several years. Catholics who continue to struggle to understand the shortcomings of our faith. Shortcomings like that of the conservative catholic who told me recently that, since I was not a practicing catholic, I did not have the right to an opinion, or a seat at the table when it comes to opinions and discussions that could lead to a positive transformation of the church. She and others like her want to control, to exclude, to make it all black and white. In the meantime, they are focused on what shoes and clothes the retiring Pope is going to wear. Pomp and circumstance. So out of touch with today's society, and the real intersection of religion and spirituality.  JIR

1 comment:

  1. Nice post daddyo. Strict dogma to any belief can lead us to unquestioned assumptions about reality and knowledge, which in turn can silence, marginalize, and oppress important expressions of difference. It is from this difference that we grow, learn, and become better people. Unfortunately, people are scared by difference, especially when it threatens their place of power and privileged. By accepting difference we accept a flattened conception of reality. No more hierarchies. No one's reality is better or more significant than an anyone else. This is the world I want to pass on to Xavi.
