Sunday, March 17, 2013


 Fabulous corn beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots to celebrate the Irish in our family and give thanks for this Ramirez "fab fam". By the way, the Irish side is not O'Ramirez, but O'Gorman. Perhaps it is very timely that our daughter is leaving with her husband Steve for Ireland tomorrow. She has been there before, he will be going back to his roots for the first time. We are thankful for them, and for Danny and Lindsay, and our grandson Xavier.
No green beer with our dinner though, just good red wine and El Dorado IPA from the Blackfoot River Brewing Company, Helena, MT.  JIR

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Ay Jorgito no sabes como has traido recuerdos a mi memoria con esa comida. Nos gustaba tanto que yo lo hacia mucho. Hace mucho mucho tiempo no lo hago, pero claro ya cocino muy poco o casi nada.......... Un abrazo

