Saturday, July 16, 2011


The Ramirez family does not make any claims to having a farming heritage. You could certainly question that fact by discussing our recent vegetable garden ventures, including those of our children and spouses. I have always been proud of my grandfather's dairy farm in Cuba, which consisted of 2 cows he milked for family and neighbors. I would not know, but I'm almost sure totally organic and unpasteurized.
Not having seen and experienced this before, I'm excited to publish pictures of what is really a mere accident-2 onions which we never harvested last year. Hibernating through last winter was no easy feat, which may explain the blosoming energy of these plants now that Mother Nature is rewarding them for their determintaion to survive.
I don't know what is under under the earth beneath this show of beauty and energy, but who cares, there are plenty of onions at the store. JIR


  1. What a pretty flower! Mother Nature, when left to her own devices, can often surprise us with the ease at which things will grow...including winter-hibernating onions! :)

    We often cut our onion tops back because it helps the plant put more energy into the growth of the bulb. But it's nice to see what results in a full-flowering onion.

  2. Awesome photos! I'm impressed that the onion plant survived your winter! Hearty little guy, isn't he!? :)

    -- linds
