Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Just before I left South Dakota for the latest road trip to Montana. I was wrapping it up in the kitchen during the tail end of dusk. Looking out the kitchen window, I caught sight of a large sillouhette on our driveway. I grabbed the camera, but as soon as I opened the front door, the extra-large size jackrabbit sped off away from me. I dissapointedly started walking back to the house, only to see another much smaller sillouhette on the concrete part of our driveway. This creature was quite a bit slower and actually seemed to willingly pose for his/her picture (can you discern the smile?).  

                      Wildflower seeds given to us by our sister Alice are now sprouting in our front yard

Hydrengeas (probably miespelled) in the front yard

Our "rock garden" continues to flower despite an obvious lack of soil.

Mother plant African Violet on the right, offspring on the left. Don't ask me how, but there has obviously been a mutation. JIR

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Ahh, the sweet sights of's amazing what a bit of sun, warmth, & moisture will produce. :) My Cuban blood sings this time of year! Your frogger friend seems quite content to be the center of your attention - I'm sure he/she appreciates the bugs attracted by your flowers & foliage.
