Friday, December 31, 2010


Well, it was more than 12 inches; more like 18-24. The storm has now passed, evident by the cloudless blue skies. But as it is typical for this time of the year, bitter cold follows the passing storm. We began at -7 degrees this morning and inched our way to 7 above. Our southern exposure gives us an edge over the city of Helena, which barely made it to 0. Even when it's this cold you've got to enjoy the outdoors, and Jake reminded us of it today.

The Dancing Moose Lodge, as majestic as ever

Regal posture-notice his frozen breath

Jake's "zoomies", a little more challenging in deep snow. Delicate balance and hind legs flexed, ready to fire up the next stride. Reminds me of the action pictures of cheetahs in National Geo


1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful!! I can't believe it got down to -7 though. EEk! ;) That's crazy cold. Great pics! I love the one of Jake zooming around and the one with Linda/Jake/snowy background in particular! Enjoy the snow a bit on our behalf!

    -- linds
