Thursday, December 30, 2010


...of snow is what dumped from the skies of Montana over the last 24 hours. Snow on the ground means having to shovel it or plow it out of the way, but it also means enjoying it while it lasts. Sledding down our driveway has become a favorite activity. JIR

Cool Jake-first time wearing Oakleys; it took me a few tries before he agreed to leave them on for the shot

Self-portrait-notice our supercool and very fast sled behind us

Our weather station is witness to the outside chill this morning...which is about 15 degrees warmer than what is predicted for tonight!

                                 Our snow gauge (deck rail) is only good for the first 6 inches or so

1 comment:

  1. Jealous of the snow! Jaker should where those glasses all the time:) We had 'snow' last night but nothing stuck, but it was fun to watch people on the highway freak out when it started...
