Sunday, October 17, 2010


Nothing lifts the spirit more than getting together with good friends. Getting in touch with nature adds icing to the cake, and makes for a majestic weekend. 

Cow elk has the right of way at Mamooth Hot Springs

This bull bison finally drifted off to the shoulder of the road and let us pass him

We saw several bald eagles, including one that performed a high speed acrobatic air show with this one moments after this shot was taken

The time had passed for bull elk to buggle, as witnessed by this one who had already captured the attention of 3 cows. Just beyond and to the right of these elk we saw a pack of wolves with the help of another visitor's binoculars, but too far for pictures

Mama Linda hold on to the rail after looking down the gorge of the Yellowstone River

The black sillouhette to the right of the pine tree is a hefty black bear

The Yellowstone River and a steaming caldera about mid-frame

On the way back through Mamooth Hot Springs, the town had been taken over by this beautiful bull elk and his harem of about 15 cows 

What a rack!

We thought we were done with our wildlife encounters when we came upon a herd of about 15 mountain sheep. These youngsters displayed awesome agility and energy as they came down the hillside to get a drink of water from the river.

Memories that will last a lifetime and great friends to share them with. JIR


  1. looks like fun guys! hope you enjoyed the "Hottub" :p

  2. Fantastic pictures! Amazing wildlife. And to experience it with great friends. :)

    Sometimes I like to pretend I'm a mountain sheep as I prance around the mountains for our long-distance trail runs. Agile, swift, graceful... And then I see someone give me a weird look & I realize I'm drooling, sweaty, & tripping over my own feet.

  3. Ha, ha Steve, we were saying that all week end.
    Chick: Sounds like a Moose Drooling.
