Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catching up

How the inside of the light house looks, 182 steps!  And Emma ran all the way up, oh to have that energy again.

Ice Cream, it's whats for lunch.

Alice and Tim's beautiful back yard.

The light house from across the bay.

As we get closer to 'settling' in for a few weeks of no travel (for me anyway), I thought I'd catch up with a few pictures from our trips to Chicago and NY.  We didn't take many in Chicago as we took a lot and posted them all last year, but here are a few from our hotel.  The pictures in NY are the light house on Robert Moses Beach.  We went there as kids, but the light house was a far walk from the closest parking lot, now they have closer beaches and a nice board walk.  I sadly didn't take pictures of mom since they had a quarantee on her floor for a pneumonia outbreak, which she had, and I didn't want to carry my purse up to the floor and risk spreading anything.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Emma ran up all those stairs. :) Just the thought makes me tired. Those lighthouse photos, in particular, are great - everyone looks so happy! :) Glad to hear that you got to visit with the fam and travel to Chicago!

    -- linds
