Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer Gardens

OK, so I cannot explain it, but we have never tried to do much serious vegetable and herb gardening before.  This year, with Dad's hard work, and some help from Steve and Christina, we finally planted a garden and have thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, from tiny plants (no we didn't try seeds), to full grown plants, and finally some vegetables and herbs.  Here is a picture of some of the fruits of our labors ready to be eaten.  Our first zucchini squash, and many of our tiny cherry tomatoes and basil ready to be made into a Caprese Salad. 
The Caprese Salad, yum!

And finally, the Caprese Salad with the grilled zucchini squash, along with a hamburger from the last of the delicious organic beef that Danny and Lindsay gave us last Christmas.  We had saved this final pack to 'grill' the burgers, and today we did.  It was all so delicious.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Need blog help

If any of you could help me how to add a few other blog friends: i.e. Steve, Sonja, Tom, Sarah and Chris, etc.  I don't know how to add them to 'where you really want to go.'  So if someone wants to do this for me, ya'll know how to get into our blog, I haven't changed any thing...  Love you all my computer geek family. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chouteau County Fair

Part of the fun of going to Fort Benton in the summer is either Summer Celebration or the County Fair.  I was there for the fair, and it didn't disappoint, well too much. It is much smaller than it used to be, but still has some charm left.
I didn't take any pictures, but there are some things that only words can describe. 
On Friday we were supposed to go to the 'Pig Wrestling' but received a phone call from Hardy that it had been cancelled.  It seems the wild pigs were missing.  Yep, when they went to get them, they were gone, you just cannot trust those wild pigs.  And if that wasn't funny enough, it made news all over the US, the AP put it out there and we even saw it in USA Today:
The title says: "Pig wrestling cancelled after porkers elude capture."
I just cannot make this stuff up.

I also thought I'd share a few lines from the fair booklet that has the events and instructions for entries:
Listed as part of the events were:
-Bred Heifer Ultra Sounds
-Rabbit Show and Rabbit Interview Judging

Under the entries, here is part of the description for entering beer:
"Beers entered in the wrong class will not be judges.  Beers will be judged on aroma, appearance, in-mouth flavor, in-mouth body, drink ability and overall impression."

(Can beers be judges and drink?)

A list of 'classes' for crafts is stated as such, obviously not very politically pc:
Class 3-Indian Regalia
1. Item of clothing
2. headdress
3. Musical instrument (drum, flute, rattle, bells, etc.)
4. Any item not listed above,

Everything above, is copied exactly as it is in the book.  There were many other mistakes, but these were the funniest. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harvest Time

There are so many falling down shacks on the drive through eastern Montana, I often wonder their story.Marching combines.  These are a few of the critters I saw on my way home.  This fox stopped, looked at me and then moved on after I took my picture.I helped Diana with the last few days of harvest, with the cooking, delivering food, etc. But then Mike put me to work one day.  He asked if I could drive Heaths truck from Heaths house to the Mike and Diana's house, mentioning it had a 'small' trailer' on the back.  LOL, luckily he didn't see my face when I saw the 'small' trailer.  It turned out to be an easy ride, but the tough ride was when I had to get the 17 year old 'farm' truck with 230,000 + miles on it and drive it to town, it was as dirty on the outside as the inside, and drove like the steering wheel had no control over the tires!  Later they tell me it had to go in the shop because something was wrong with it.  I also spent a few hours riding the combine with Mike, a very good experience.  Now they say I have 'officially' experienced harvest and can come back to work any time!
On my visit to Fort Benton, I failed to get people pictures, but I did get a few of Diana and Mikes georgeous landscaping. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Some of you know the story behind us building a new road to access our home in Montana. Suffice it to say: neighbors, eat your heart out! We now have a very nice road and we are ecstatic not to have to share the first part of our driveway with our neighbors.
Our new switchback looks and feels better than the old one