Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yeah, my sewing room remodeling is in progress.

This was Aaron and Jorge starting the wall, and when they finished.

Aaron, a young man who works with Kaski Homes, the company that built our house, is doing the initial remodeling on our basement, starting with my sewing room and the extra guest bedroom.  This guest bedroom will become our workout room after the wedding, but for now it will remain an extra room where we can sleep people around the wedding.  This is an odd way to do things, as you will walk into the unfinished part of the basement first, but since I am down there sewing alot, it makes sense. 

I wanted to post some before pictures, so everyone can see what the room was like.  Aaron and Jorge did all the framing except for the wall you see in the last picture, that was up.  Dad is learning more than he cares to know about framing and remodeling, but will be able to do some of the skills.
The bonus in this is Aarons wife who Jorge knows as she is a pharmacist at the VA, came over with his lunch, and brought their two mixed breed dogs along.  She stayed and visited for several hours while Jake and Jojo, the older of the two dogs, played and played and played.  Herky, the pup, just barked at them to calm down and made us all laugh.  Jake has been sleeping ever since they left and as always, gets very lonesome after his company leaves.

1 comment:

  1. The house construction looks great - as does the cake! Looking forward to another taste-testing & hopefully a final decision. It looks as though it will be a tough choice because they all sound delicious. :) Don't worry about the "bird poop" flower. We have the cake topper - AND if it's frosting, people will eat it no matter what it looks like!
