Sunday, January 24, 2010

So much to catch up on, but I'll start here.

I had a wonderful birthday, and appreciate all my well wishes and my gifts.  Dad surprised me with the micro handles I have been dreaming of for my quilter.  It allows me to work on more detailed designs on my quilting.  Here is a photo of the handles and of some of the work as seen from the back of the quilt. I'll post pictures of this very laborous quilt.  It was a difficult top to piece, and is very slow going as I am trying to finish it with our remodeling now in progress, and my quilter in the way.

1 comment:

  1. I am following up on this post: I entered this quilt in the Hill City Quilt Show this past summer (2010) and it won second place. That is the first and only time I have entered one of my quilts in a show!
