Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trip to NY over Mothers Day 2009

Grandma Alice, Tim and Ricky enjoying the deck.
Here is a 'group' shot on Mothers Day, 2009. That is Granma Alice, Jorge, Timmy, and Emma on Tia Linda's lap. In the back ground is Linda M. and Alice. It was a great week end, and we all had a good time.

There was a slight catastrophy as Emma got a splinter and here her mom made an attempt to take it out.

Jorge, Linda, Grandma Alice, Tim and Rick on the deck.

Tia Linda poses with the 'girls.' That is Valerie (Ricky's daughter), Emma (Linda's daughter) and Alexa, Ricky's youngest daughter.

What can you say about Alexa, she is way to adorable for words.

It was a busy and full week end, but we did get to sit a few minutes on the deck and enjoy the nice weather.

Emma, she was so much fun over the week end.

Valery enjoyed her book.

Alexa had to have her ice pop like the other girls, but the truth was, she didn't want it!

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