Saturday, May 30, 2009


Our long weekend in Montana was great, but also filled with hard labor; spring cleaning, deck staining, and hardest of all, lumberjack work. The pine beetle infestation is killing many trees, punctuating mountain sides with ominous patches of brown. But this is nature at work, and we can only hope this is part of the balance that will benefit us in some ways in years to come

The new open look of the southwest corner of our house with 15 less trees. We actually think we'll like having the view that was previously blocked by the trees. Notice we still have several dead trees to take down when we go back in July.

Getting rid of this pile took 3 trips to the dump. Mama Linda and I teamed up perfectly; I felled and chopped the trees and she piled them up for hauling. We then hauled them together to the dump

Hard labor can be fun...once in a while, not full-time

Brown patches

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