Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Our new home is starting to look like one. The outside walls are up and the framing is well underway. This picture shows the stairway opening and the master bedroom closet framed behind it. On the right side of the frame is the framed wall to the garage. Notice the 2 x 6 framing on the outside walls.

Front door opening on the left and kitchen window opening on the right

From right to left is patio door opening (breakfast nook), great room window opening, and guest bedroom window opening.

View of the framed north wall of master bathroom with framed space for bathroom towel cabinet in the middle

Master bathroom east wall (background) and door opening in the foreground

I'm standing in the front door, north view behind me (cool dude)

Mom (cool dudette) in the kitchen

Mom's in the master bedroom (don't worry, it was too cold!)

View from the garage towards the front of the house (from right to left-kitchen window, front door and guest bedroom). Notice terrain drop on the far left corner towards the basement door.

Standing in the garage. Master bedroom framed behind me and kitchen window to my right.

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