Monday, March 30, 2009


2 blizzards in 1 week is a bit much, but some progress is being made on our house. The roof trusses are up. This picture is shot from the great room towards the kitchen and it shows the garage in the background and the hallway towards the Master bedroom on the left. The hole for the stairway is now covered with particle board (bottom left) , I'm sure to prevent someone from precipitously going down to the basement.

This one is shot from the north guest bedroom (towards the front of the house) looking down at the opening of the basement door (east). The pile of white stuff is a 4 foot snowdrift. Notice temporary particle board nailed in place to keep the snow out.

Shot from the hallway to the Master bedroom towards the front door opening, showing the kitchen on the left and the south guest bedroom on the right.

Front door opening (middle) with supporting wood posts in place.

Partially covered roof trusses.

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