Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This was our view from the 24th floor of the Hilton in downtown Austin. It was a pretty view day or night, but night time had a bit more 'sparkle' to it. That is the capital of Texas, with the University of Texas a few blocks behind it.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Although our trip was cut short by two days, we had a great time in Austin. Jorge missed his board meeting, but did get to his conference. I brought along my new little sewing machine (yeah, thanks Jorgito), and spent most of the time sewing in the room. When the weather cleared up we went out to see the capital and Museum of History. At night we were able to enjoy the great food of Austin.

Second roar of the Lion

This is our garbage pail, with a brick wall around it, that sits completely covered in snow. That 'crack' in the snow, covers our walk way, it now has a drift and snow of snow over it, but Jorge shoveled it twice today, already! We think we'll wait until tomorrow to shovel again.

March leaving like a lion!!

This was the snowstorm that kept us home bound for two days before our trip. Unfortunately we came home to another storm, and we are again 'confined to quarters.'
The bottom picture is Jorge trying to shovel through the drifts so we could get to our car, where all our luggage sat. The next is around our house, and the top picture was downtown Sturgis when we were finally able to get out and get to the airport. There was so much snow and drifts, that the whole town was undrivable, except for a few main roads.


2 blizzards in 1 week is a bit much, but some progress is being made on our house. The roof trusses are up. This picture is shot from the great room towards the kitchen and it shows the garage in the background and the hallway towards the Master bedroom on the left. The hole for the stairway is now covered with particle board (bottom left) , I'm sure to prevent someone from precipitously going down to the basement.

This one is shot from the north guest bedroom (towards the front of the house) looking down at the opening of the basement door (east). The pile of white stuff is a 4 foot snowdrift. Notice temporary particle board nailed in place to keep the snow out.

Shot from the hallway to the Master bedroom towards the front door opening, showing the kitchen on the left and the south guest bedroom on the right.

Front door opening (middle) with supporting wood posts in place.

Partially covered roof trusses.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Nice view of the framed basement door and 2 window openings with the framed guest bedrooms above

Garage is now framed. Double garage door opening on the left, single door opening in the middle and entry door opening on the right

View from the west side of the backyard: future location of a concrete slab and hot tub in the foreground. Garage is in the background with access door opening from the garage. Outside west wall of the master bedroom with door opening (to the hot tub) on the right

Center backyard views (now that the mud is drying up) of the great room (above) and master bedroom (below)

View of garage and master bedroom from the west

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Our new home is starting to look like one. The outside walls are up and the framing is well underway. This picture shows the stairway opening and the master bedroom closet framed behind it. On the right side of the frame is the framed wall to the garage. Notice the 2 x 6 framing on the outside walls.

Front door opening on the left and kitchen window opening on the right

From right to left is patio door opening (breakfast nook), great room window opening, and guest bedroom window opening.

View of the framed north wall of master bathroom with framed space for bathroom towel cabinet in the middle

Master bathroom east wall (background) and door opening in the foreground

I'm standing in the front door, north view behind me (cool dude)

Mom (cool dudette) in the kitchen

Mom's in the master bedroom (don't worry, it was too cold!)

View from the garage towards the front of the house (from right to left-kitchen window, front door and guest bedroom). Notice terrain drop on the far left corner towards the basement door.

Standing in the garage. Master bedroom framed behind me and kitchen window to my right.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


One more basement picture today, now that the ceiing is closed, showing the bathroom (right) and laundry room (left)

Most of the outside walls have been brought in (preassembled) and are now laying down on the floor. This is the south facing (backyard) wall and window openings of the master bedroom.

Front door space in the foreground, with the kitchen wall and window opening laying in the background. Also notice the roof trusses piled up in front of the house in the far background.

Front door space is again seen on the left with the front (north-facing) guest bedroom wall and window opening laying on the floor

View from the master bedroom space facing northeast shows the stairwell opening on the left. Back wall laying on the floor shows (from near to far) patio door opening (breakfast nook), great room window opening, and opening for the south-facing guest bedroom window. Previously shown kitchen wall and window opening is now on the left beyond the stairwell opening.
As you can tell by the crystal-clear sky, the weather today is beautiful and the temperature will top off at 54.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Floor/ceiling joists. The long tool the worker is holding is a glue gun as they glue and nail the floor to the joists

Detail of joists and framing around basement window looking towards to the North

Basement framing: bathroom on the left, guest bedroom in the background, sewing studio in the foreground

Framing around the future stairs to the basement

Opening in the joists for the stairs

Mama standing in her sewing studio inside the he basement door

Outside view of the basement window that faces the street (north) and retaining wall next to it. floor/ceiling joists run east-west along the width of the house.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Tiny bit more work

We have had two very nice days of weather so some progress should begin to show. Here are some pictures I took yesterday, and hopefully with today's weather in the 50's and sunny they will have more finished by the time the next front hits.

A little more snow, a little more delay on the house.

Well, the house didn't get any further since we last visited, but Chick and Steve came out to the Black Hills and not only did we all get to visit, but Steve was able to ski, and Chick was able to get a little homework done.