Saturday, March 01, 2008


The pictures above depict our trip through a small area of the Austrian Alps to Leoben, a small industrial town where Linda was pretty sure her great uncle was buried. The landscape pictures were taken during our 2 hour train ride to Leoben. The next three pictures show a sample of Leoben's architecture, inside St Xavier's Church, and the grave of Linda's great uncle Max Eisenhut, which to our surprise also contained the remains of several other members of the family.

Here's another installment of pictures from Vienna. Our hotel room at the Albatros Hotel was small by american standards, but very clean and quite adequate considering the little amount of time we spent in it. Scrolling up is St Peter's Church, one of many churches we saw in this overwhelmingly Catholic country. Next is the Schonbrunn Palace, summer home of the monarchy. We weren't sure why the monarchs needed a summer home a couple of miles from their regular palace, but that's the way it was back then. Next is a typical subway station and subway, this one closer to street level than the underground stations. Finally, the massive St Stephan's Cathedral.

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