Tuesday, November 27, 2007

4th QOV

This is my fourth QOV, and I am honored that it is going to a Capt. in Afghanistan, on a third deployment! I had a good time putting the 'eagle on it, as that was a first time I quilted a design like that. I put the picture of the back up so you could see the eagle, it is hard to notice from the front, but that was my intention as the front is busy enough with the string blocks, piano key border and the Army logos. This is a great quilt to sew, you don't need a pattern, and it uses all scraps. I had ladies from the sewing group add some strings for the border so there is a little bit of Sheridan in the quilt.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Great job, love the eagle. Now I'm inspired to start using some of my scraps.

  2. What a beautiful quilt. I especially love the border and the colorful pattern.

    I hope you don't mind that I found your website. I saw the link on Danny and Lindsay's website and I've really enjoyed seeing your Montana pictures.

    Regards, Sonja Jernstrom

  3. We're happy you found us Sonja! Welcome any time. We are proud of Montana and sure do post a lot of pictures.

  4. Absolutely beautiful! You're extremely talented Mom.

  5. As I keep sayin' you should start sellin' these things! They are fantastic!
