Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Letter to the editor

Hi everyone, I thought I'd share this letter I wrote to the editor of our newspaper. I think we all need a reminder now and again of how simple and easy our lives for, and those who sacrificed so that we may have these freedoms.


Dear Editor,

I would like to wish everyone in Sheridan and the surrounding areas peace and blessings over this holiday season.

As we take the time to celebrate with family and friends, and remember all we have to be thankful for, I would like to ask your readers to also remember all those who have sacrificed for this country as part of America’s armed forces, including active duty and our nation’s veterans.

Equally important, is that we continue our support for these men and women throughout the coming year. I encourage everyone to put their political beliefs aside, and take the time to find an organization that fits a manner in which you can show your appreciation. I have supported our troops in many different ways during the last four years. The satisfaction I have received from these actions have greatly outweighed the work I have dedicated to them.

Beside our local organizations and VA hospital, other means to show support to our military are:
1), a very comprehensive list of many support organizations,
2), an organization that provides quilts to injured military men and women, and
3), a non partisan organization that works to ensure our veterans get the treatment they have earned and deserve.

Thank you for allowing me to address this matter.

Linda A. Ramirez

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