Monday, December 10, 2007

Blankies, you never outgrow them

I was checking a group I belong to that makes homemade items to send to our military overseas, and knew they had a hospital in Afghanistan that needed some items (why the h--- does an American hospital in a war need sheets????), and was going to have my list handy, as I always do so if I saw something on sale, I could pick it up. One of the questions the group asked was if we could send homemade quilts or blankets, here was the contacts reply:

"I helped to prep a bunch of soldiers this morning that were headed to Landstuhl and they all had hand made quilts. The only thing they cared about and repeatedly checked was that they had their blanket! So please feel free to send hand made quilts and blankets it is truly something they enjoy."

For those that aren't aware, if they are being shipped to Landstuhl is an American military hospital in Germany where troops from Iraq and Afghanistan often go for further treatment.

I have much to do with Christmas happening early at our home this year, and at least one QOV to get right on, but I will then make some 'blankies'(quilts) to send to these brave men and women. I do think I might sent my senator a letter on the sheets though, that is appalling.

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